Donate in Cash or Kind (towards following Projects)------>Donate Now
Help build Indegenous Technologies: Convert Ideas into products & Jobs. Send cash donations or offer your office/factory /machineries/ facilities for technological development to helps those who cannot afford these services.
Educate Poors for higher studies. Coaching IIT - you can sponsor 5-10 kids in your tuition Institute.
Educate Poors Children who get no reservation Benefits and never able to touch the point where from reservation Benefits can be availed. Schools can sponsor 5-10 kids free schooling Boarding etc.
Make Films, Promote right Ideas through strong Media - If you are associated to Films/ TV , you can provide guidance, and offer tools, and facilities to support such ideas free of cost. it cost nothing and helps those who can not afford these services.
Be the Power of Powerless: Support Administratively to poors. Many poors and ordinary citizen are victimized in the hand of Powerful ones. IAS, IPS, IRS, and similar powerful people can provide equivalent support and influence for the right cause and concerns.