He whose all initiatives and efforts are free from personal desires and deterministic gains whose actions are purified in the fire of knowledge – know him as a ‘Pandit’. (He is the specialist in understanding the dutiful actions.)
A Pandit is the person who has in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and its relevance with the Brahm. His actions are not based on superficial thinking but annealed and purified in the fire of knowledge and 360-degree analysis. Here, fire is used allegorically as it is considered the supreme purifier of anything. Whether it is a metal to be purified, such as gold or oil in refinery, which is boiled and distilled or iron fed to sponge iron plants or cremation of dead bodies or for food, fire is used as purifier. So in the case of knowledge, the more one researches into a subject, the mind gets heated and gains deeper and factual knowledge. Thus, a Pundit is essentially an expert in a field of knowledge but dedicated to works of Brahm.