The Gods Of Human Attributes
Elephantine head for a lot of thinking, analytical processing and memory. Hence, the God of wisdom, intellect, planning and management.
Rat as the vehicle to indicate that large projects are broken into smaller chunks. Big projects are broken down to detailed levels. At level 6 schedules works are executed by the people at the lowest cadre, labours. Thus large projects roll over on these shoulders with their small contributions. This management insight is about detailed planning and control, and therefore ensures success of projects, hence another name Vighna-harta (trouble-shooter).
Modak in the left hand to provide remunerations by right hand to the people for their contribution.
Big belly to digest all good and bad feeds and store secrets.
Big ears to gather a lot of information
Trunk to sense dangers and risk.
Small eyes for better focus and to view clearly the subliminal hidden issues.
Yellow colour is symbol of creation, positivity, happiness and sustenance and for Satwa-led Purushartha in action.
Lotus, the utilitarian, intents that distribute benefits in all direction like its petals and create value from an otherwise worthless swamp. Lotus is also the symbol of prosperity, which should be earned by wisdom and not by unethical means.
Farsa, the weapon, to deter miscreants and for self-defence.