Enact your bounden duties regularly as action is superior to inaction, failing which the very purpose of (souls) journey through bodies is not accomplished.
Actions originate from Brahm. Let it be known that from indestructible Brahm everything is born. Brahm while present everywhere (in every physical and metaphysical forms) is incessant, everlasting and established in Yagya.
Every action and existence are born of imperishable Brahm, which is spread everywhere in every form. It is established through the Yagya, which are the actions of Gods and beings. The Yagya connotes to the actions we take to contribute towards special objectives. Actions of Gods are laws of Nature. Organized Projects of utilitarian value are Yagya, which is established as we follow the law of Brahm. Even animals and birds create their nest, hatch their eggs, raise, feed and train their new-born with care. All the natural cycles of cosmos, solar systems and terrestrial events are caused through chain of actions - they are Brahm's works. Purusha and Prakriti are the key components of Brahm, denoting metaphysical and physical world, respectively.
Action alone proves one's worth, like king Janak who continued to work for the masses and could see (distinguish between doable and non–doable acts) and act with nobility (dedicated to his people), thus, succeeded.
Action alone is one's rights, not the fruits thereof. Do not act only to gain fruits nor should it lead one and attach to inactions.
This is one of the most important shloke of SBG that preaches Nishkaam Karma (selfless duties). When actions are driven by the higher ethical driver, i.e. humanity, country or organization then selfish interests have to be kept aside.
Abominable actions should be left at bay. One must adjoin to intellect O Dhananjaya! Take shelter of intelligence (then decide deeds), such shortcuts to the fruits belong to parsimonious.
Results are important but attachment to them is not. Shortcuts to results belong to parsimonious, looking for quick benefit. Rishis and creative geniuses in India saw the effect of these shortcuts to become rich and powerful, and warned us. Researching knowledge and developing technology is seen as risk today, and importing technologies is seen as development. While doing so multi-fold indigenous development is left aside, while some capitalist and their political supporters become rich. During world war II, India's economic condition was better than 80% of the countries including Japan, Korea, Singapore, and many European countries. Today they all have excelled through their technological investments. India is still busy handling multi-ethnic politics and its capitalists looking for shortcuts to be richer. Srimad Bhagwad Gita is found in their homes but not much in their actions and works. There many such principles found in Gita, which are practiced in other countries.