Three are three doors to hell, which destroy souls: Desire or lust, anger and greed; hence, one must give up these three at once.
From anger comes delusion; from delusion - the loss of memory and thinking capacity; from loss of memory - the destruction of discrimination (or loss of conscience), which leads to disgrace and downfall.
Note that only the anger is reprimanded, which rises from rajas or tamas elements, and go uncontrolled. Such anger takes away conscience and it is unproductive. But the anger to tame kids is only demonstration and anger shown to ignorant criminals, terrorists and animals is not truly anger but the only way to control them. Such anger maintains one's conscious thought process, not a vengeance, and does not result into undesirable outcomes. True anger emerges from lack of conscientious thoughts. Rishi Durwasa and Parashuram were much known for their anger but their anger was for the good of the people. Intentions and the ways an act is executed matter. For example, a teacher may punish a child by making him take ten rounds of a ground, which is healthful to the child, unless his reasons like fever etc are ignored by the teacher. Non-conscientious children would destroy their own life and hence, parental advice is essential which may include saam, daam, dand, bhed strategies, wherein, dand may involve anger.
Brother is the soul for them, whose soul has won over desiring self (failing which), the persistent enmity of such uncontrolled desiring self transforms their soul into enemy.
Very revealing! One's soul is a brother to him if he has won desiring self; else the soul behaves like an enemy. This clearly indicates that there are two selves' inside everyone: 1. The one listening to desiring heart and 2. The one listening to the element of God in him, the voice of soul from deep inside. What you are, defines what you do – this is soul's direction. On the other hand it can also be said, what you do reflects what you are – this is the personality as the world sees you. Your actions speak of your soul and demonstrate if you are under satwa, rajas and tamas effects.