Happiness too, here, are of three types, hear from Me, O' Best among Bharatvanshi! Practicing which, indulging in them, one learns to end of all Grief, forever!
That (happiness) which upfront appears to be poison (difficult and painful, such as hard work, patience), results into elixir later, such pleasure is declared Satwik, which purifies one's intellect and helps internalizing true happiness within as well as pleasing to all others.
Success obtained after hard work brings peerless bliss. Easily obtainable results, amenities and facilities do not bring the same level of happiness.
The pleasures derived from mixing materialism with senses (happiness from sense gratification) that seems elixir in the beginning, ends up venomously, are considered as Rajasik.
The pleasure, which upfront looks good and binds till end (addictions, infatuations, unable to dissociate from), attracts beings into delusion (obstinate, crazy, carried away by glitter and glamour, absolute dreams, peer pressures), sleep, indolence (inactivity) and based on inflicting grief to others (sadist), such pleasures are illustrated as Tamasik.
Indications of Satwa are in fact-finding, logic and self-control, which provides conscience, empathy and broad-minded thinking. Rajas in similar scenarios are bemused and easily swayed by prejudices. They enjoy luxuries and sense pleasures, yet are justice lovers and stay within limits, but can often cross boundaries to tamas. Addiction, infatuations and obstinate behaviours need to be identified as they take away the conscience. One must learn to get over with these. These lead to crimes and further pains.