All actions are executed by Nature (Prakriti’s Triguna manipulate people). He sees who sees people as non-doer of actions (bodied are means alone in the sequel of cause and effects)
Five factors, O’ mighty-armed Arjun! are the fundamental causes of actions, know it from me as concluded by the Sankhya philosophy (logical reasoning), all actions happen due to them.
The seat (of responsibility), the doer, various means, modes or processes and the various intents and objectives and the fate are five factors responsible for all actions of men.
First is the seat of responsibility which depends on the position one is entrusted with in an organization. He is accountable to all the stake holders. In normal life, a person could be responsible for self, family, organization, state, country or humanity. These are ethical hierarchies which sometimes may conflict with each other. In case of dilemma, choose actions based on the order of precedence, starting from the top, i.e. maximum good for the masses in current and future generations and sustainability to humankind; last being the Self.
Second factor is the doer soul, influenced by Prakriti or Purusha. It may evolve and become intelligent under satwa, or remain deluded under rajas and tamas triguna effects. In metaphysical sense, the doer is Prakriti or Purusha, not the bodied but as physical actions occur, there must be a physical doer as well. Therefore, the bodied are the physical actors on behalf of the souls. Some see it as a contradiction because metaphysically the doer is the Prakriti and Purusha, not the soul. Physical and metaphysical connotations of actions needs to be understood. Any action in its physical reality has to be accounted for -Good or bad whatsoever deserves the prize or punishment to motivate or reprimand similar physical recurrences. Yet, metaphysical connotation is that individuals acted under influence of deluding Prakriti or Enlightening Purusha, and hence credits and discredit does not go to them. Yet souls are responsible for their choice to go by desire or listen to God’s within. The physical cause and effects define realities, enacted by the thinking souls. This Shloke is about the physical cause and effects of the action and therefore need not confuse with metaphysical aespects behind the physical causes of actions. Hence the bodied souls are the doer for the physical effects. The entire recommendation of Dharma is to modify one’s duties in its physical effects so as to develop an amicable co-existence in society. If the physical effects are not important, then why to preach Dharma at all? Physical actions mirror the soul’s persona and require deliberations by the soul. The choice to enlighten itself is always with the soul.
Third is the mode and menas of actions. Modes, procedures and processes of actions are important. How we say a thing matters. We may donate in self supremacy or with humility. We may request a favour or order instructions. Self esteem needs to be balanced by respecting others as well. Attitudes needs to be demonstrated in words and body language. Ego need to be suppressed in view of objective intent. Threats appears from, attitudes, ostentations, ego, tricks, lies, conspiracies and collusions. Stay away from such ‘Practical advisories’.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs details out 'kinds of Cheshta'
or intentions one may hold driven by satwa, rajas and tamas
The Objective and intent matter. End justifies the means. Intent may be good or bad or mixed driven by a Satwik, Tamasik or Rajasik elements. Intent is contextual. It can be selfish or selfless, purity in intent comes either from the basic needs or dedication to fulfil other’s basic needs. Selfishness is justified for a hungry stomach. Mahatma Gandhi said, Gods do not appear to a hungry men, except in the form of bread. Global consciousness cannot be expected from them. Intents of people can be seen in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which start from basic needs then rise to social safety, social recognition, esteem and culminates into self-actualization. As one rises in the levels of consciousness, a tendency to Sanyas and devotion to the society begins. Bhagwan Kritsna’s directives go beyond self-actualization, entailing to integrate with the universal continuum of Purusha, where the self dissolves with the rest.
The last is Fate on which people do not have any control. It is an important factor in determining the actions or its results. When several independent sequels of cause and effect models chase towards common goals, then consequence leans towards the most effective cause. It may not be fault of those in other’s paths. Either the strongest may affect a consequence, or the weakest. A cautious pedestrian is crossing road when there is a red light, but a driver on mobile unable to take note of redlight and the pedestrians runs him over - weakest link became effective. On the other hand, in a Board exam, everyone is working hard but the one performing his best at the time of writing the test comes first. His performance was the best at that point of time, while others could have doen better. This is fate. A student’s nose started bleeding in IIT JEE exams. He lost fifteen minutes but its effect lasted for half an hour thereby affecting his performance and rank. In sports, it is the same thing. Every competitor is working toward the same common goal, but what matters is how one plays at one crucial moment. We may not control how others perceive us. Fate is always in action while people are in the dark about the environment. Rest is said in Johari Window below:
All know |
All do not know |
I know |
Public info |
Personal power and confidential secrets |
I do not know |
Grow up kid |
Ignorance is in kind (Tamas) |
Johari Window of information blindness
All the actions initiated by men by their body, speech and mind, whether justifiable or not are owing to these five causal factors.
Note that actions are not just by body, but also by speech and mind. All thoughts eventually convert into actions. A revolution takes place only when a visionary sends out a new thought to the masses. Poets have used the weapon of words to move the masses.
He only is the doer, thinking so, seeing such and not having intellect of a non-doer, he sees with an impaired intellect.
The ethical hierarchies are difficult to understand. Playing various roles, one is dedicated to family, organizations, society, country and humanity. Small and big actions depends on the faction in the society they address. Psyche under spirituality elevates one to higher levels of consciousness where he seems to be one with everyone else. In that bird-eye-view of universal consciousness or spirituality, Yogis perform ethical actions, visualize all possible pro and cons, and balance out the act with optimized objective function focussed on the greatest good for the greatest number of people, ensuring summum bonum. Yogis act, detached from any kind of self-interest, without bothering for success or failure. In other words, objective actions without subjective attachments are recommended. Every action has its positive and negative outlook, one needs to balance out the risks and benefits and learn being truthful. For instance:
People should appreciate good work. It does not matter who is the doer. These days political polarization has caused people to unnecessarily criticize the good work of opponents and defend the bad works of their own leaders. We must protect the constructive format of democracy.
In political applications, some give their vote to the most powerful candidate thinking that their votes should not get wasted. That’s a pathetic view, as no good leader can ever come up to fight against powerful anarchist in collusion with the rich and mighty.
Employees sometimes evaluate their salaries with the work they do. Salaries are determined by demand and supply of equivalent resources not by quantifying work. If nobody wants to work as excavation labour, it would probably be the highest paid job. So negotiate your salary at the time of joining and thereafter work and deliver the best you can. Honesty and dedication in work should not be related to salaries, else go find another job and dedicate yourself there.
Avoid cartels formed due to castes, language, nationalities etc. Although it may be useful to develop social skills and cultural growth, but unproductive for the work environment. Often it is seen that people at their workplace and in society form co-lingual groups. While they help their fellow co-lingual friends, they also distance others by not sharing important information and knowledge etc. Such attitudes of the people hamper work environment.
Support logical knowledge not the theories by the like-minded. Debate and produce logic to improve thoughts, not repudiate it out rightly because it is not what you wish to say.
Manufacturers in third world countries do not believe in developing but emphasize on importing technologies. With bulk markets at home, it would be worth taking such risks.
Maintain relationships. Your spouse, kids, parents, friends, colleagues and neighbours may not agree with your opinion at times, acknowledge the disagreement. Let them try their ways. There is no harm in losing efficiency if it keeps the family happy, unless there is unbearable loss
Be truthful and honest. Favour none but the cause.
People do not get right evaluation sometimes. Do not worry and wait for the right time and make efforts to prove yourself in action. Opportunities would come again or one can create them by strategic thinking.
Help others. Right cause must be supported. In most countries, justice is expensive and cumbersome. Advocates and Judges may overlook small cases or cases of poor’s unable to pay well. It is advised to give due weightage to principles, not only the economics, every time. The cause is more important.
Do not misuse your powers. It is seen that administrative officers take pleasure in creating trouble for the people and hold the smooth process of works by inaction, indolence or due to mala fide intents. They take pride when the ordinary people run around for their works. Instead, if they try to help ordinary people, it will bring true intrinsic happiness. Otherwise government officials accumulate curse from the people who in turn become uncooperative with others, and thus the society grows selfish and callous more and more. The collective consciousness of society goes down and sorrows spread far and wide. On the other hand, when social fabric promotes helping each other’s, the stress levels are less, people are more productive and happier, and their collective consciousness ensures prosperity and development for all. Collective consciousness works.
Last but most important: Help someone daily, selflessly and without expecting anything in return. Tell others to continue the chain of selfless help. Try it.