Whenever Dharma (righteousness) declines, O’ Bharata (Arjun) and Adharma (impiety) prevails, I manifest myself (to re-establish the order of Dharma).
Impiety sneaks in gradually as we accept and practice little deviations from Dharma. For example, Dress codes have been growing more liberal over the decades, even nudity is accepted at times in the west. Misuse of powers is becoming a norm in government offices. When higher authorities behave like this, junior officer get impetus too. When we promote wrong actions of our favorite leaders then also we promote Adharma. Dharma cannot be established by casual recourse to Adharma. The cycle of impiety is vicious; one wrong fuels more wrongs. The cycle continues till the entire society is at the helm of mass anxiety, fear and deprivation. This is when Avatars are born, as a reaction to the wrongs, in a bid to correct the path of humanity. The great men who take actions to protect humanity in their vicinity are micro, mini and macro avatars around us whom we fail to recognize. They voice against the illogical traditions, norms and inhuman thoughts. They are the voice of the God.
Dev and devil both co-exist but it is dev that needs to be followed. Bhagwan Kritsna, in chapter 10-11-12, portrays Godliness in ever best actions of the world, and every expert performer. Several good qualities are exemplified. Be it great savior, Bhagwan Rama defending humanity from rakshasa (Satans) or great thinker and philosopher Muni Kapila, who discovered metaphysical truths or great geophysical happenings, and celestial creatiosn like Vishnu among galaxies
Thus, the God reflects himself through the best of the qualities and skills among the humans and best of the entities or phenomenon in the universe. If Lord Kritsna was preaching chapter 11 today, he would have definitely added the among the singers I’m Lata Mangeskar, and among the Cricketers I’m Sachin Tendulkar, among the footballer I’m Ronaldo, among the swimmer’s I’m Michael Phelps and among the scientists I’m Albert Einstein etc. He represents complete creations, humanity and their best manifestations. Hence the Name Kritsnam, the Complete.
To protect the good, to destroy the wicked and to re-establish righteousness, I am born in era to era (as needed).
Knowing me not, fools disregard me when I demonstrate my eminence through various human forms (to guide the misdirected and correct the social norms). They know not the supreme eminence of mine in them (this is beyond cognitive capacities of human minds).
Great people are born to perform great deeds, without much support. They hold the courage to walk the path of righteousness alone. It is often too late before their great actions are recognized. Hence, the Shloke says Aitareya Brahmana“Charaiveti, Chareveti” – Walk alone, move alone. History is evident that most of the transformational leaders never got due support from the then society. Bhagwan says that whenever Gods reflect in human bodies, people do not recognize him and make fun of him. This is probably the reason why Bhagwan Rama could not find supports from humans to fight against Ravana. But then he raised an unimaginable army of monkeys and bears to fight for Dharma. Jesus was crucified, and Mohammed’s original quran was burnt, while and most of true desciples were killed. Dharma in the end is established with great sacrifices. Unfortunately, cyclical reversal of impiety is perennial too. This is an eternal nature. Dharma and Adharma are both natural consequences and cyclical. God keeps reflecting himself in times of need., only if we can recognize him in all the good initiatives around us.
Look at todays, times, Mahatma Gandhi and Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya were assassinated. Political revivalist, fighting against corruption are mocked at in spoofs and cartoons, even put into fabricated trouble often. When Satwik Brahmans guide the society or true Kayasthas, the soul of society, give a wakeup call, they are ignored, mocked at, harassed, jailed and even killed by tamasik. Even educated demos are brainwashed through social media. Thousands of social activists and RTI activists have been jailed or killed. It is very demoralizing for the ethical people. But they must go on.
Those who shall study the dialogues of Dharma in depth as just occurred between us, applying Sankhya, logical reasoning and analytical knowledge, to him I will be the most desirable and attainable and this is my opinion.
You can attain God by knowledge, by intellect, and by internalizing him and his ways. Thus, deliberating his essence in every thought and action is Dharma. Thus, achieving God’s qualities and enacting them is true worship. Gyan Yagya is the most preferred way and Sankhyayogi are dear to God.