Promote the logic of Religion. Help eradicate blind belief and apostacy - both are baseless. Presumption that current Era is the first monotonous rise of intellectualism is a self-conceited idea. The science did develop in the past, there are enough evidences which we dissmiss without brains. In socio-psychology, probably Indian Rishis were better than where we are today. 5000 years is too long for sinusoidal ups and downs of humanity. In just 50 years we came from telegraphic messaging to live videos in mobiles and 3D holographic imaging. What if it was monotonously developing with same pace for 5000 years. Imagine the world we would have been living! Inhuman destruction of knoweldge blocked our rise. It takes just two generations of calamities - natural or man-made to send humanity thousands of years backwards. If only we can read Srimad Bhagwad Gita logically, we discover these facts and comprehend how humanity treads its path, and then we also understand the guides that keeps the track of sustainable and progressive humanity. Lets come out of our blind haughtiness and decode the symbols, and religious notions. *OM Tat Sad* Let us know what you think and write to us: and

Understand Concept in Srimad Bhagwad Gita

Big Bang theory of creations: Unmanifest Creates the Manifest…


Big Bang theory of creations: Unmanifest Creates the Manifest…

अनादिमध्यान्तमनन्तवीर्यमनन्तबाहुं शशिसूर्यनेत्रम् ।
पश्यामि त्वां दीप्तहुताशवक्त्रं स्वतेजसा विश्वमिदं तपन्तम्।।11-19।।

Without a beginning, middle and end, infinite is your spans, your virility (highly productive in cosmic creation) is majestic; with infinite arms, and eyes of Sun’s (or suns - Please check) and Moon’s (moons), I see your magnificence with your ferociously flaring mouth, your effulgence is radiating all over, almost roasting and tormenting this world. {Self-explanatory}

मम योनिर्महद्ब्रह्म तस्मिन्गर्भं दधाम्यहम्।
सम्भवः सर्वभूतानां ततो भवति भारत।।14-3।।

Bhagwan Kritsna, representing ‘Para’states: My species is Mahad Brahma (infinite cosmos and beyond). From its womb, I have rendered the births of all the creations, (movable and immovable), thus they prevail and exist, O’ Bharat-vanshi (lineage of Bharat)!

सर्वयोनिषु कौन्तेय मूर्तयः सम्भवन्ति याः।
तासां ब्रह्म महद्योनिरहं बीजप्रदः पिता।।14-4।।

Of all the forms and species produced, O’ Kunti son that have ever been created or formed, the great physical entity of Brahma the cosmos, I am the seed of it, and father thereof.

बीजं मां सर्वभूतानां विद्धि पार्थ सनातनम्।
बुद्धिर्बु़द्धिमतामस्मि तेजस्तेजस्विनामहम्।।7.10।।

Hey Partha, I am the seeds of all creations, what is said to be eternal, I am the intellect of intellectuals, and I am the Aura of Divine.

सर्वतःपाणिपादं तत्सर्वतोऽक्षिशिरोमुखम्।
सर्वतःश्रुतिमल्लोके सर्वमावृत्य तिष्ठति ।।13-14।।

With hands and feet, eyes, heads, and mouths everywhere, with ears hearing from all over the worlds, enveloping everything, he presides all over. “Om tat sad”: It is only that Absolute one who is pervaded infinitely and is truth. Rest are transient, metamorphose of its creations and creative illusions.

अव्यक्ताद्  व्यक्तयः  सर्वाः प्रभवन्त्यहरागमे।
रान्न्यागमे प्रलीयन्ते तत्रैवाव्यक्तसंज्ञके।।8.18।।
Manifestations appear from the un-manifest everywhere as the day breaks. At night, annihilation of the manifested initiates, which dissolves back into the un-manifest again, is said.

कविं पुराणमनुशासितारमणोरणीयांसमनुस्मरेद्यः।
सर्वस्य धातारमचिन्त्यरूपमादित्यवर्णं तमसः परस्तात्।।8.9।।

All Characteristics of cosmic creations covered in this shloke:

  1. The most ancient, constant,

  2. (Created from) Smaller than the smallest atom one can imagine,

  3. Constantly thinkable, and researchable,

  4. Beholder and caretaker of all through his inconceivable forms,

  5. With Effulgent and colourful like galaxies of suns,

  6. Tamasah parastat, Beyond the darkness (dark matters) that is spreading infinitely….

भूतग्रामः स वायं भूत्वा भूत्वा प्रलीयते ।
रान्न्यागमेऽवशः पार्थ प्रभवत्यहरागमे।।8.19।।

All the material existences, with and without life, and creations are subject to creation and annihilation, again and again. Apocalyptic annihilation is spontaneous on arrival of the nights, and re-creation occurs on arrival of the days, time and again, O Partha!

एतद्योनीनि भूतानि सर्वाणीत्युपधारय।
अहं कृत्स्नस्य जगतः प्रभवः प्रलयस्तथा।।7.6।।

From the womb of which (the Para), all these creations have proliferated and sustained. I am the cause of entire creation and origin, and apocalyptic destroyer thereof. { Bhagwan Kritsna  during discourse plays the role of Para, which, creator, controller, and dissolver and  ensemble of Prakriti, Purusha, and its laws, or The God}

बहिरन्तश्च भूतानामचरमं चरमेव च।
सूक्ष्मत्वात्तदविज्ञेयं दूरस्थं चान्तिके च तत्।।13-16।।

 (He is dwelling) Both outside and inside all entities -movable (with life) and immovable (without life), He is too small to be cognitive, yet its span is infinite, far yet close (within all) - such is He.

परस्तस्मात्तु भावोऽन्योऽव्यक्तोऽव्यक्तात्सनातनः।
यः स सर्वेषु भूतेषु नश्यत्सु न विनश्यति।।8.20।।

But verily there exists, another entity ‘Para’, far greater than the manifestation and the un-manifested, which is Sanatan (Perennial, everlasting, ongoing, and Eternal) which is never destroyed, when all beings are destroyed.

Big Bang theory of Creations in Srimad Bhagwad Gita.

Big Bang Model- the scientific perspective of creation from infinitesimally small source of zero dimension. Science says nothing before inflation phase.

अव्यक्ताद् व्यक्तयः सर्वाः प्रभवन्त्यहरागमे।
रान्न्यागमे प्रलीयन्ते तत्रैवाव्यक्तसंज्ञके।।8.18।।
Avyaktaadvyaktayahsarvaahprabhavantyaharaagame |
Raatryaagamepraleeyantetatraivaavyaktasamgyake ||

  1. Manifestations appear from the un-manifest everywhere as the day breaks. At night, annihilation of the manifested initiates, which dissolves back into the un-manifest again, is said.

  2. Creation of manifest from unmanifest is repeated in shlokes at several places. Metaphysical Parampurusha (Same as Brahm) represents the unmanifested origin of creation, creating Purusha as unmanifest fields or energies, while Prakrit represents the manifested forms as well as unmanifest triguna that illuminates or delludes Purusha, the soul’s behaviours, thoughts, attitudes, learning and such unmanifested expressions.

कविं पुराणमनुशासितारमणोरणीयांसमनुस्मरेद्यः।
सर्वस्य धातारमचिन्त्यरूपमादित्यवर्णं तमसः परस्तात्।।8.9।।
Kavim Puranamanushasitar - manorniyamsamanusmaredyah |
Sarvasyadhataramachintyarupamadityavarnaamtamasahparastat ||

  1. All characteristics of cosmic creations are covered in this shloke:

    1. The most ancient and constant,

    2. (Created from) Smaller than the smallest atom one can imagine,

    3. Constantly thinkable and researchable,

    4. Beholder and caretaker of all through his inconceivable forms,

    5. With effulgent and colourful like galaxies of Suns,

    6. Tamasah parastat, beyond the darkness (dark matters) that is spreading infinitely...

Thus, we can see that scientific theory of universal creations from unmanifest point source, yet beholding billions of galaxies and constantly accelerating with darkness (dark energies and dark matters) infinitely, exactly matches to theory of Big bang and cosmologies.
Striking similarities are seen with today’s cosmological observation. The Shloke needs to be read with other mentions in this chapter, of celestial hierarchies, hordes of Suns as Aditya or galaxies, personified as Bhagwan Vishnu etc. Brahma's rise from Vishnu’s naval and his head chopped by Shiva etc. Mentions in this shloke are not just epistemological but contain the science discovered in ancient times by ‘meditative thinking’. The Big bang is symbolized in Shivaling, we will see later.

भूतग्रामः स एवायं भूत्वा भूत्वा प्रलीयते ।
रान्न्यागमेऽवशः पार्थ प्रभवत्यहरागमे।।8.19।।
bhootwaabhootwaapraleeyate |

prabhavatyaharaagame ||

  1. All creations and material existences, with and without life are subject to annihilation and creation, again and again. Apocalyptic annihilation is spontaneous at night time and re-creation occurs on arrival of the day, time and again, O Partha!

  2. Creations whether at celestial levels or terrestrial levels have the cycles of destruction and re-creations. Day and night - words mainly reflect the cosmological connections of the shloke as Suns, stars, solar systems and galaxies that are formed and destroyed cyclically.

सहस्रयुगपर्यन्तमहर्यद् ब्रह्मणो विदुः।
रात्रिं युगसहस्रान्तां तेऽहोरात्रविदो जनाः।।8.17।।
Sahasrayugparyantamaharyadbrahmanoviduh |
Raatrim yugsahastraantaamte’horaatravidojanaah ||

Several thousands of Yug (era) pass as one day of Brahm and so will be the night of Brahm of several thousands of Yug, know this as one day and night of that (Brahm) as learnt from those knowers (of Brahm)’.

  1. Thousands is not an absolute period but indicates multiples thereof or a very long-time. Day represents the phase of creations, and nights the darkness, destruction and inactive phases.  According to Linga Puran (By Dr Vinay), 4 Yugas = One Mahayug. 1000 mahayug = One Kalpa or One day of Brahma. 1000 Kalpa = One year of Brahma. 8000 years of Brahma = One  Yug of Brahma. 1000 Yugas of Brahma = One day of Vishnu. 9000 Vishnu’s day= One day of Shiva. The cosmological hierarchy, and relativity of time scales in various scales of cosmic creations are clearly visible.

अपरेयमितस्त्वन्यां प्रकृतिं विद्धि मे पराम्।
जीवभूतां महाबाहो ययेदं धार्यते जगत्।।7.5।।
Apareyamitastwanyamprakritimviddhi me param |
JeevabhutamMahabaho ya idamdharyatejagat ||

  1. Apart from these conceivable entities in Prakriti, there is another entity of mine, Para, the beyond. This beholds the universe inside. Beyond the physical worlds and universe and beyond the metaphysical entities such as souls, there is ‘Para’ which is the controller and beholder of all existences, yet unaffected by the laws of physical and metaphysical worlds.

एतद्योनीनि भूतानि सर्वाणीत्युपधारय।
अहं कृत्स्नस्य जगतः प्रभवः प्रलयस्तथा।।7.6।।
Etadyoneeni Bhutani sarvanityupadharay |
Ahamkritsnasyajagatahprabhavahpralayastatha ||

  1. From the womb of which (the Para), all these creations have proliferated and sustained. I am the cause of entire creation and origin and apocalyptic destroyer thereof. Bhagwan Kritsna during the discourse plays the role of Para (or Brahm), the creator, controller of Prakriti and Purusha.

  2. ‘Para’ is said to have caused creation of both manifested and unmanifested. As of today, science has acknowledged only the manifests forms, and questions the uncertainties of many kinds, waves vs particle theories, appearance and disappearance of particles, and entangling of particles far apart etc are some examples. The existence of unmanifest metaphysics is not scientifically approved yet, but the most pioneering researches in cosmology and quantum theories are bound to discover.

त्वमक्षरं परमं वेदितव्यं त्वमस्य विश्वस्य परं निधानम्।
त्वमव्ययः शाश्वतधर्मगोप्ता सनातनस्त्वं पुरुषो मतो मे।।11-18।।
Twamasyavishwasyaparamnidhaanam |
Sanaatanastwampurushomato me ||

  1. Arjun praises the Lord: ‘Definitely, you are indestructible, most supreme, omniscient and you are the supreme abode of the universe; you’re indispensable, everlasting and you hold the secret of universal laws and duties (called Dharma), you are eternal and perennial, the greatest among all souls, that’s my opinion’.

अनादिमध्यान्तमनन्तवीर्यमनन्तबाहुं शशिसूर्यनेत्रम्।
पश्यामि त्वां दीप्तहुताशवक्त्रं स्वतेजसा विश्वमिदं तपन्तम्।।11-19।।Anaadimadhyaantamanantaveeryam
Anantabaahumshashisooryanetram |
Swatejasaavishwamidamtapantam ||

  1. Without a beginning, middle and end, infinite is your span, your virility (highly productive in cosmic creation) is majestic; with infinite arms and eyes of Sun’s (or Suns - Please check) and Moon’s (moons), I see your magnificence with your ferociously flaring mouth, your effulgence is radiating all over, almost roasting and tormenting this world.

मम योनिर्महद्‌ब्रह्म तस्मिन्गर्भं दधाम्यहम्।
सम्भवः सर्वभूतानां ततो भवति भारत।।14-3।।
Mama yonirmahadbrahmatasmingarbhamdadhaamyaham |
Sambhavahsarvabhootaanaamtatobhavatibhaarata ||

  1. Bhagwan Kritsna, representing ‘Para’ states: My species is Mahad Brahma (infinite cosmos and beyond). From its womb, I have rendered the births of all the creations, (movable and immovable), thus, they prevail and exist, O’ Bharat-vanshi (lineage of Bharat)!

सर्वयोनिषु कौन्तेय मूर्तयः सम्भवन्ति याः।
तासां ब्रह्म महद्योनिरहं बीजप्रदः पिता।।14-4।।
Sarvayonishukaunteyamoortayahsambhavantiyaah;Taasaam brahma mahadyonirahambeejapradahpitaa.

  1. Of all the forms and species produced, O’ Kunti son that have ever been created or formed, the great physical entity of Brahma the cosmos, I am the seed of it and father thereof.

बीजं मां सर्वभूतानां विद्धि पार्थ सनातनम्।
बुद्धिर्बु़द्धिमतामस्मि तेजस्तेजस्विनामहम्।।7.10।।
Beejam Mam Sarvabhutanamviddhi Partha Sanatanam|
Buddhirbuddhimatamasmitejastejaswinamaham ||

  1. Hey Partha, I am the seeds of all creations, what is said to be eternal, I am the intellect of intellectuals and I am the Aura of Divine.

मत्तः परतरं नान्यत्किच्ञिदस्ति धनज्जय।
मयि सर्वमिदं प्रोतं सूत्रे मणिगणा इव।।7.7।।
Mattah parataramnaanyatkinchidastidhananjaya;
Mayisarvamidamprotamsootremaniganaa iva.

  1. There is nothing else more beyond than me, O’ Arjun! It is me only pervading all around like cluster of gems woven together in a string.

द्यावापृथिव्योरिदमन्तरं हि व्याप्तं त्वयैकेन दिशश्च सर्वाः।
दृष्टवाद्भुतं रूपमुग्रं तवेदं लोकत्रयं प्रव्यथितं महात्मन्।।11-20।।
Dyaavaaprithivyoridamantaram hi
Vyaaptamtwayaikenadishashchasarvaah |
Lokatrayampravyathitammahaatman ||

  1. From higher spaces down to the Earth, in between and in all directions, you alone are prevalent everywhere. Your form is amazing and ferocious and frightful for all the three worlds, O’ Supreme Soul!

रसोऽहमप्सु कौन्तेय प्रभास्मि शशिसूर्ययोः
प्रणवः सर्ववेदेषु शब्दः खे पौरुषं नृषु।।7.8।।
khepaurushamNrishu ||

  1. O’ Kunteya (Kunti son), I’m the taste of water, brightness of Sun and moon, I’m the mono syllable AUM ‘Omkaar’ found in Vedic hymns, Sound in the sky and Paurusham (eminence) in men of action.

सर्वतःपाणिपादं तत्सर्वतोऽक्षिशिरोमुखम्।
सर्वतःश्रुतिमल्लोके सर्वमावृत्य तिष्ठिति।।13-14।।
Sarvatahpaanipaadam tat sarvato’kshishiromukham|
Sarvatahshrutimallokesarvamaavrityatishthati ||

  1. With hands and feet, eyes, heads and mouths everywhere, with ears hearing from all over the worlds, enveloping everything, he presides all over. “Om Tat Sat”: It is only that Absolute one who is pervaded infinitely and is truth. Rest are transient, metamorphose of its creations and creative illusions.

Aum is Brahm, Brahm comprise physical Prakriti and Metaphysical Purusha.Together they are responsible for creations and lives. Prakriti and Purusha are iconographicaly presented as women and man, as human analogy of creation. {Possibly also the source of Adma and Eve story in the west}

बहिरन्तश्च भूतानामचरमं चरमेव च।
सूक्ष्मत्वात्तदविज्ञेयं दूरस्थं चान्तिके तत्।।13-16।।
acharamcharameva cha |

doorasthamchaantike cha tat ||

  1. (He is dwelling) both outside and inside all entities -movable (with life) and immovable (without life); He is too small to be cognitive yet its span is infinite, far yet close (within all) - such is He.

  2. Bahya is Prakriti, the physical. Antar is internal, the Purusha. Their union gives rise to Life yet Purusha’s span is far and beyond. It is denoted by Ardhanareeshwar (half man-half women) symbol of Bhagwan Shiva.

  3.  AUM is the symbol of Brahm comprising Purusha and Prakriti, and represented by Lord Shiva. This is why he is shown as Ardhanareeshwar, where Male form denotes ‘Purush, the metaphysical’ and female form depicts the physical laws and Triguna nature.

परस्तस्मात्तु भावोऽन्योऽव्यक्तोऽव्यक्तात्सनातनः।
यः सर्वेषु भूतेषु नश्यत्सु विनश्यति।।8.20।।
Parastasmaattubhaavo’nyo’vyakto’vyaktaatsanaatanahYah sasarveshubhooteshunashyatsu na vinashyati ||

  1. But verily there exists, another entity ‘Para’, far greater than the manifestation and the un-manifested, which is Sanatan,  which is never destroyed, when all beings are destroyed.

ज्ञेयं यत्तत्प्रवक्ष्यामि यज्ज्ञात्वामृतमश्नुते।
अनादिमत्परं ब्रह्म सत्तन्नासदुच्यते 13-13।।
Gyeyamyattatpravakshyaamiyajgyaatwaa’mritamashnute; Anaadimatparam brahma na sattannaasaduchyate.

  1. The knowledge worth knowing as I will deliver, knowing which is as if one has tasted elixir (and attained immortality); the beginning less Supreme Brahm is neither real nor unreal.

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