"Cosmic Symbols in Santan dharma represent the sciences discovered by Rishis. They coded knowledge into Symbols and narrated this knowledge by converting it into interesting Story forms, which we call myths. The purpose was to preserve knowledge through anticipated devastation of the world. Remember! those days were Sruti Periods i.e. "heard & learnt" when chants and hymns were the recording media sung by disciples, and carried forward through generations, as no documentation was possible. The best-written forms were symbols to create a mind map and facilitate memorizing facts through images, which we do even today in textbooks and the corporate world. Company's Logos' represent their business. The religious symbols and God forms represented either science of creations or the value systems, i.e. essential human attributes important for humanity to survive as a conscientious society and distinguish from the beastly world. Unfortunately, over the aeon, humanity forgot the essence of symbols, rather took them as idols of worship, or just as auspicious drawings. The scientific community could not absorb it and dismissed it as myths. On the contrary. these symbols need to be scientifically and logically decoding, as they carry the essential messages for humanity and even has the potential to guide the modern sciences, psychologies and sociologies. In this regard, we shall make an attempt to decipher the following symbols of religions, and Gods:
AUM or OM - the origin of universe or multiverse
Swastika - the symbol of Galactic and starry creations
Shiva - The Universe, the ensemble of Prakriti and Purusha
Sivalingam -The BigBang theory of creations
Vishnu -The Galaxies and Blackholes, who creates and swallows worlds
Brahma -The Solar systems, emerging from Vishnu's naval
Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh , the trio
Lord Ganesh - The symbol of Planning, and wisdom
Devi Saraswati - The symbol of unprejudiced logic and knowledge
Devi Laxmi - The symbol of Investments
Devi Kali -The symbol of Valour needed to fight evil