Those exercising self-control on senses and desiring manah, O' Arjun! yet employing senses into actions detached (dedicated selflessly), they stand out and excel.
The seat of desire is said to be senses, mind and intellect. These (desires) enchant people and knowledge and wisdom are enshrouded in bodied.
Desires driven by the senses and mind create attractions and distractions, thus, enchanting the bodied they create many kinds of illusions. Eventually, strong forces of desires subvert the intellectual capacities of beings. There are two types of choices with souls:
Type 1 – Listen to desiring manah, driven by senses and manipulated by Prakriti
Type 2 – Listen to intellectual Purushah
The uncontrolled minds choose the former and are driven by senses and deluded by Prakriti. That veils the knowledge for them, causing delusions. Purusha controlled intellect activates satwa in us, that helps questioning and revealing truth. Otherwise, under illusion, People tend to see untrue as truth.
Not only individuals but also group and communities remain often deluded for years. Truth wins in the end, but often very late, unfortunately. Religions have digressed from their very roots, due to mass ignorance resulting from the lack of logical education of religions under organized institution. Moreover questioning a belief, is considered blasphemy, bearing unwanted repercussions. Eventually, truth remains buried for years. Organised research and study of religion fails, for two reasons: 1. The notion that religions are not subject to logical understanding but only a matter of belief. 2. Principles of secularity that emerged due to contradicting religious ethics and mutual intolerance. Due to the principles of secularity, there is no state policy to teach religions in schools. Other factors include socio-economic backwardness and aggravated focus to survive in over populated nations. Hungry stomachs cannot think of ethics, religion and humanity. Busy metro life and a bid to survive leave little time with people to study and discuss religious notions. As a result the educated class and even the young generation are increasingly becoming disbelievers or blind believers. Yet, that is an overt conclusion, indeed, people are heavily affected by religions, but unable to draw any benefit due to lack of logical and practical understandings.. In this view it is extremely important to develop a system of rational and logical education of all religions in schools so as to enable people understand and benefit from them. This is extremely crucial to develop the true potential of people and the nation. Else we see corruption creeping in all segments of society. When people do not perform their duties honestly country as a whole and its citizens suffer for several generations to come. Myopic, people limit their vision to selfish gains though. Religion is integrally connected to every thought we develop and action we take. It cannot be kept out of school curriculum.
Senses are said to be superior; superior to the senses is the mind; superior to mind is the intellect; and one who is superior even to the intellect is that knowledge of Brahm.
The knowledge of Param-Brahma, its components i.e. Prakriti and Purusha and their eternal laws in sustaining creations is the key in deriving one's duties and behaviours.
Even when fully cognizant of Purushah and in practice of such intellects, the powerful sense objects often, O' Kaunteya, excite wildly and take away all conscience (from even the most wise and erudite!)
Attractions of senses are often very powerful. Even the best of the best Yogi can be forcefully thrown into the mode of excitement, driving away all his conscience and intellect. Tremendous self-control and sacrifice is required. However, forced self-denial might be more dangerous; instead, controlled sense gratification is advisable for people.
From anger comes delusion; from delusion the loss of memory and thinking capacity; from loss of memory the destruction of discrimination (or loss of conscience); which leads to disgrace and downfall.