Science vs Religion, especially Sanatan Dhrama?

by admin @, Wednesday, February 06, 2019, 18:22 (2172 days ago)
edited by admin, Tuesday, August 27, 2019, 08:39

Science vs Religion, especially Sanatan Dharma? Do they promote or kill each other?

Why do people in deep reverence feel everything in scripture is the truth, including the educated ones? On the other hand those with a scientific background, mostly, if not all, tend to feel otherwise, despite knowing well that science does not explain everything and possibly it is still at less than 1% of progress before humanity develops to travel with the speed of light and enhances its average life to 1 billion years in order to travel a billion light-year to see the other side of universe, probably? or is there any better way?
How did Rishis discover, that:

That Universe got its birth from nothing, from a particle smaller than the smallest atom one can imagine.

  • That the universe is constantly spreading
  • That the universe started in the form of Shivalinga as said in Lingapuran, and Shivapuran (which strikingly matches to Big bang model)
  • How come Lord Vishnu's ocean of milk with spiral bed matches so much to Galaxies?
  • Why is it said that there are two types of Vishnus, Prabhavishnu, and Grassvishnu, one that is very luminous and gives birth, and the other devours? these are the properties of galaxies?
  • Why it is said that Lord Vishnu was once devoured by Demon Andhak, the black and the blind - doesn't it sound like Black holes?
  • Why it is said that Lord shiva somehow managed to get Vishnu to re-emerge from Andhak? what mystery does it hold?
  • Why it is said, that Lord Brahma came from Lord Vishnu's naval. Does Lord Brahma represent Solar systems, while Vishnu is it's galactic origin?
  • Why all the terrestrial Gods, Sun, moon, earth, water, wind bow to lord Brahma, as they are subordinates?
  • Why is it said that lord shiva chopped out the fifth head of Lord Brahma because it was de-stabilizing the creations (referring to the solar system)? As per science, a big planet was thrown out of our solar system, how could such coincidences be found ins scripture in Santan dharma the age of which is not well known.
  • Why Lord Vishnu's ten avatars, exactly matches the evolution of life, starting from Water born creature, fish, makar (crocks), wild boar (animals), dwarfs (the first apes), wild man (Parashuram), civilized man (Sri Ram), and finally intelligent man (Sri Kritsna) How it coincides with scientific findings?

There are hundreds more, such as Balaram's wife Revati who is said to have done Astra travel, and when she returned, eon had passe don earth, people were shorter in height, and she being the tallest, married a shorter guy Balram, who happened to be the strongest among men in those days. hundreds of such coincidences indicate some mysterious ways Rishis discovered to know about the realities, if not science.
Can we discard such vital coincidences calling it set of Mumbo Jumbos, why such coincidences not found in Islam Christianity, Jewish religions?
If these coincidences were found in those religions - will they discard like this?
and if they don't, then will our Indian scientific minds, discard it or accept it, given its acceptance in the west?
Do we Indians' especially those with scientific minds have their independent and logical opinion with a strong base? or we are still mentally slave to 'let it be accepted in the west first?'

Looks like myths camouflage truths, and if they can be deciphered properly, Science will get direction from religion, but, be careful - not always.

Let us have your opinion on it? Max 100-200 words, please.

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